Worthy Elder and faithful Servant of
Who departed this Life, the thirty first
of the sixth Month 1712.

The Second Edition.

L O N D O N :
Printed and Sold by MARY HINDE, at No 2,
In George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1774.

Note: These are excerpts from the Journal of William Edmundson, chosen to show the parentage, marriages, children, and death of this Quaker evangelist. See the note at the end of the page regarding Mary Hinde, the printer & publisher.

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MARY EDMUNDSON, concerning
Her late Husband William

It having pleased the Lord, from whom we receive all sure Mercies and true Comforts, to favour me with the Company and Help of so good and heavenly-minded a Man, as this my dear deceased Husband was. Indeed, I did not esteem it as the least of many Mercies, bestowed on me by a good and gracious God ; and though I am very sensible, that his being taken from me, is my great Loss, yet I am well assured it is his Gain : For as a Shock of Corn in full Season, did the Lord gather him to himself, in the eighty-fifth Year of his Age.

All the Time of our being together (which was about fourteen Years) I may say, he

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shewed forth a godly Life and exemplary Conversation ; being coupled with the Fear of God, and bounded thereby in his Eating, Drinking, or whatsoever he was employed in ; careful in all Things wherewith the Lord (whom he served) favoured him, ready and willing to receive and entertain honest-hearted Friends, whose Company was delightsome to him. He was a tender Husband to me, and gave very tender and wholsom Advice to my Sons ; he was an eminent and serviceable Instrument in the Lord's Hand, in the Churches of Christ, both in Doctrine and Discipline, not only at Home in this Nation, but Abroad in other Countries and Island, to which he was freely and faithfully given up : In all which I have good Ground to believe, he was not chargeable to the Churches, but often administred to others Necessities.

The Lord blessed him with that Understanding, that he was as a Father and Instructor to Thousands ; having a Sight of Things to come, he foresaw a Dearth that was at hand, above thirty Years ago, before it came to pass, and in several prophetic Testimonies, which I heard him bear before the late calamitous Times of War in Ireland, he testified, That the Lord would dung the Earth with the Carcasses of Men, which he lived to see fulfilled. He was a constant Frequenter of Meetings, both Half-Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly ; and also, of particular Meetings at Home, though

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many Times but weak in Body by reason of Old-Age. And in Meetings of Discipline in the Church, when Things went according to the Line of Truth, he was like a Man healed, if he was sick.

As he lived in Obedience to the Lord, so it appeared, he was fitted and prepared for his great Change : For a while before his Ilness, of which he died, he took some Time to view over his Papers and Writings, that he had written on Truth's Account, and had just finished and put them in Order a few Hours before he took his Bed, and seemed ready for the Time of his Dissolution, signifying, That he had Nothing to do, but to wait for it, which he earnestly desired, if it were the Lord's Will, might not be long. In the Time of his Ilness, many heavenly Expressions dropped from him, to the Edification and Comfort of those present ; and though his Distemper was somewhat sharp and tedious, yet he bore it with much Patience, and ended in great Peace and Quietness, and no doubt is entered into Peace and Rest for evermore.


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Our dear Father WILLIAM

It pleased the Lord to endue him with eminent Gifts above many, both with Respect to the Ministry and Government in the Church, for the Preservation thereof, in and under the Government of Christ Jesus, and Bounds of his holy Spirit, that all might by their Conversations, adorn the Gospel, and shine as Lights in the World ; and many have Cause to bless the Lord for his Service in the Churches in many Places, in which he was a sound and faithful Labourer, and underwent many Hardships both by Sea and Land, in a faithful Performance thereof.

He traveled in this Nation, in rough and hard Times, as also in England ; and went early over to America, and in those Islands

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where he came, was very serviceable in convincing many, and settling Meetings both for the Worship of God and Church Discipline, not sparing himself or his Substance, to perform the Lord's Work, unto which he was called for the Good of Souls : He was a true Prophet of the Lord ; sharp in Reproof to obstinate Sinners, yet tender in Advice to the Penitent ; sound in Judgment ; and had an Awe over the Wicked, Light and Airy ; but an Encourager of Well-doers : He was excellent in his Gift to divide his Ministry, according to the States and Conditions of People to whom he was concerned, not missing Points aimed at on Truth's Account, but Lord having given him a clear Discerning of what was for Truth, and what against it.

He had an excellent Gift in Prayer, and was often graciously answered by the Lord ; Nothing seemed more joyful to him than the Prosperity of Truth, or more afflicting than its being opposed by a contrary Spirit : He was a careful Father over us his Children, both in Advice, Reproof and Correction, as Need required, as well as in providing Things needful for his Family ; but above all, he sought our Growth and Settlement in the Truth (in which he lived, and was a prudent and good Example to us all to follow, both in Words and Actions) yet norwithstanding, he met with Affliction from some of his Children, who, Disregarding his Example and zealous

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Concern for their Good, forsook their Education in several Respects, which was often a great Grief to him.

Much more might be said, but shall leave it, knowing there will be other Testimonies ; and although the Loss of such a Father is not easily forgotten by any well-minded Children, yet we believe that our great Loss is his great Gain : For as he lived in the Truth, he was sensibly preserved in a discernable Concern for the Propagation thereof to his last Moment.

He departed this Life the thirty-first Day of the sixth Month 1712, being in the eighty-fifth Year of his Age ; and was accompanied to his Burial by Friends from several Parts, and other Neighbours ; and was decently interred in Friends' Burying-place at Tineel, near Rossenallis, the fourth Day of the Seventh Month following.


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I Was born at Little-Musgrove in Westmorland, in the North of England, in the Year 1627, my Father and Mother's Names were John and Grace Edmundson. My Father was well accounted of among Men who knew him, and religious in what he knew. I was the youngest Child of six my Parents had, my Mother died when I was

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about four Years old, my Father also when I was about eight Years old: We were left to the Care of my Uncle, my Mother's Brother, who used us hardly; and my Brothers and Sisters left him, but I staid with him several Years, being young. My eldest Brother, who was Heir to the Estate my Father left, when he came to the Age of twenty-one Years, with my eldest Sister's Husband, went to Law with my Uncle about our Portions, and other Injuries and Wrongs : And they spent much Money. In those Times I went thro' many Hardships and Exercises of divers Kinds ; after some Time spent, I was bound Apprentice in York to the Trade of a Carpenter and Joiner, where I lived some Years: In which Time the Lord began to work in the Hearts of many People in that City, so that great Openings in the Things of God were both in Preachers and Hearers. Then the Lord began to visit me with his Judgments, and to set my Sins before me: many Times I was under great Exercises concerning my Salvation, also about Election and Reprobation. So many Things wrought mightily in my Mind about Religion, that I was often brought very low in my Spirit, and at publick Worship in the Steeple-house, at Times, the Lord's Judgments would seize upon me heavily; one Time, in the publick Worship, the Hand of the Lord was so upon me, that I shed such Abundance of Tears in weeping

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and bewailing my wretched State, that the Priest and Congregation took Notice of me, but none did direct me aright to the Physician that could heal my wounded Spirit.

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After some Time spent in divers Exercises, we marched again for Scotland, at which Time I had a Charge of some Men for recruiting other Companies then in Scotland, I marched them with out Regiment and delivered up my Charge in Scotland, then left the Army, came back for England, and visited my Relations in the North ; from thence rode into Derbyshire, and married a young Woman, to whom I was conracted before. After some

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Time I was about to settle in Derbyshire in the Way of Shop-keeping, at which Time my Brother, who was a Soldier in Ireland, came into England to see his Relations, and highly commending Ireland, perswaded me to go and live there, which I, with my Wife, concluded to do. The Troop my said Brother served in quartered near Waterford; we proposed to ourselves to settle a Trade of Merchandize in Waterford, and to live at a Place two Miles from it, where we could pass and repass in our Boat ; promising great Matters to ourselves and Religion besides : So with this Result, when my said Brother returned, I sent with him a little Parcel of Merchant goods, and not long after, I, my Wife and Servant went for Ireland, with a larger Quantity of Merchant goods, we came through Westmorland to take Leave of our Relations, and some of them went with us to Whitehaven, where we took Shipping, and landed at Dublin.

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I soon sold those Goods I brought over, and forthwith went for England to buy more; then coming into the North of England among my Relations, at which Time George Fox and James Naylor were in that Country,

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James Naylor having a Meeting about three Miles from where I was, I went to it with my eldest Brother Thomas and another Kinsman, having an earnest Desire to have Converse with some of that People, retaining a Love for, and believing well of, them from the first hearing the Report of them, and I was glad of this Opportunity, and we were all three convinced of the Lord's blessed Truth ; for God's Witness in our Hearts answered to the Truth of what was spoken, and the Lord's former Dealings with me came fresh into my Remembrance. Then I knew it was the Lord's Hand that had been striving with me for a long Time. This was in the Year 1653.

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At length we got within the Cape of Virginia, and up the great Bay of Cheseapeak, to the Mouth of the Patuxent River in Maryland, where we anchored ; but a violent Storm arising we could not get ashore for some Days, though our Provision and Water were spent. When the Storm ceased, Friends hearing of us, came in a Boat and Fetched us ashore.

Here we met with John Burnyeat ready to take Shipping for England. We had several large heavenly Meetings, and the Lord's Power and Presence with us, to or great Comfort : Then we traveled severally in our Services, as the Lord Ordered us ; George Fox, John Burn-

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yeat, and several other Friends accompanying them, traveled to New-England. I took Boat, and went to Virginia, where Things were much out of Order ; but the Lord's Power and Testimony went over all.

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Now, when I had been some Time with Friends in Virginia, and had many sweet serviceable Meetings among them, and Things somewhat settled, I found my Spirit clear of that Service, so took Boat and went back to Maryland, where I staid several Meetings, the Lord's Power and Presence accompanying, that made hard Things easy. When I was clear there, I took Passage by Sea, and about ten Days after landed safe at New-York, where no Friends lived.

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The next Morning we took our Journey towards Maryland, accompanied with Robert Wade and another Friend : We traveled hard and late at Night, so came to William Southerby's at Saxifrax River. From thence we went among Friends on the Eastern Shore in Maryland, where we had many precious heavenly Meetings with Friends and others, for the Worship of God, and Men and Women's Meetings to order the Affairs of the Church. A blessed Time we had together, to our mutual Comfort.

After some well-spent Time there in Truth's Service, I had Drawings to go over the Great Bay of Cheseapeak, to the Western Short to visit Friends, and Samuel Groom of London, Master of a Ship being there, sent his Boat and two of his Men to take me over ; that Night one of the Men was under much Trouble of Spirit, but we landed well early next Morning at the Cliffs. I had many good Meetings on that Side of the Bay, and good Service several Ways, for there were some troublesome Spirits gone out from Truth, that were a great Exercise to honest true-hearted Friends, the Lord gave me Ability and Understanding to deal with them, and to set Truth and its Testimony over them, to the Joy and Satisfaction of Friends.

After some Time spent there, I went to the Eastern Shore again, and had many precious

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Meetings with Friends, then took my Leave in the Love of God, in order to go down the great Bay o Anamessy, to visit Friends there, accompanied with James Fletcher, and three other Friends to manage the Boat ; but meeting with very foul Weather, and contrary Winds, we were forced to put ashore in an Island, and pitch the Boat, having Sails spread for our Covering, we lay there all Night. Next Day, the Weather being very foul with Sleet and Snow and the Wind against us, we stood over the Bay to Patuxent River, and came to Benjamin Lawrence's House, who received us kindly ; we had a good Meeting there. After which the Wind turning somewhat fair, we took Boat and went on our Journey ; but it was very cold foul Weather, Sleet and Snow, and we were all that Day and most of the Night e're we got to the Place intended, which we obtained with much Difficulty.

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Now, on the three and twentieth Day of the ninth Month, [1690] before-mentioned, I went to Col. Biarly, then Governor of Mountmelick, and told him, That if he did not sue some speedy Means to succour our Quarter, it would be to his great Damage, for I expected every Night that my House would be burnt ; and if I gave Way, all the English thereabout would flee : So the Raparees might burn and destroy all the Forage there : And urged him to take some Way to succour us, informing him how he might easily do it ; yet he took little Notice of it, for that same Night some hundreds of Raparees beset my House, and I with my Family being asleep, they fired several Shots in at the Windows, which were heard at Mountmelick, being two miles off ; whereupon several went to the Governor, Col. Biarly, and desired a Party of Men to relieve me, which he would not grant them ; then a certain Lieutenant (as they said) went to him, and desired a Party of Men, saying, I was an honest Man, and he would relieve me, or lose his Life : But Biarly answered, He would hang that Man that would go out of

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the Garrison. So the Raparees set Fire to my House, and I staid therein until much of it was burnt. When we could stay no longer for the Fire, I made Conditions with them, then opened the Doors, and went out : But they soon broke their Conditions, for though they had bound themselves with many Oaths, they took what Plunder they could get from the Fire ; which being very fierce, destroyed the greatest Part. One lusty Mare was burnt to Death in the Stable, and two more they got out of the Fire, sorely scorched ; they took my Wife's uppermost Garment, and so left her, but me and my two Sons they took away Prisoners, bare-legged and bare-headed, and not much better than naked ; but one of them (at my Request) lent me an old Blanket of my own to lap about me ; they took away all my Cattle, (left not one) then they took me and my two Sons that Night through rough Places, Bushes, Mire and Water to the Knees in cold Weather, when our bare Feet and Legs were sorely hurt, and bruised with the Bushes, Gravel and Stones.

The next Morning they took us to a Wood, and held a Council upon us ; who concluded to hang my two Sons, and shoot me, because they said, I was a stout Man. I told them, Many of them knew me, and my two Sons also ; and I challenged them all to prove, That either

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I, or my Sons, had wronged any of their Country-Folks, one Farthing all these Times of Trouble ; but on the contrary, had saved them what I could ; sometimes with the Hazard of my Life among the English Soldiers. Several of them made answer, and said, They knew I was an honest Man. Then I told them, If I died, they were my Witnesses I was innocent, and God would revenge my Blood. They wondered at my Boldness, and indeed my Life was little to me, for I desired to die, if it were the Will of God. Then they hood-winked my Sons to hang them, and two Firelocks prepared to shoot me ; they came to hood-wink me also ; but I told them, They need not, for I could look them in the Faces, and was not afraid to die.

Now came up one Lieutenant William Dunn, who was well acquainted with me and my two Sons ; he was Son to old Capt. Dunn, whom I had got released, together with his Cattle from the English Soldiers, and Brother to him whom they had stripped in order to be hanged, who I got released also, as aforesaid : And he who commanded this villainous Party that burnt my House, with several others whom I had done Kindness for, were present ; so this Lieutenant Dunn, expecting to get Preferment for what he had done, would take us to Athlone, twenty Miles from the Place. Thus the Lord interposed, and would not suffer them to take our Lives, having further Purpose of Service for me.

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One of my Sons, that was with me, had a Tan-Yard, well stocked with Hides and Leather, and about a Week after our house was

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burnt, my Wife went to fetch them off, and several English Neighbours, with Horses and Carrs, went to help her ; but whilst they were loading the Leather, &c. Lieutenant Richard Dunn, and his Brother-in-Law ---- Poor (whom I had met in going to Athlone, and who railed at me, as aforesaid) together with a Multitude of Raparees, came upon them ; so they were forced to run for their Lives, and leave the Horses and Carrs, the Leather and Hides, &c. which the Raparees took and carried away : But my Wife not being able to out-run them, they took and stripped her naked, being cold Weather, in the Beginning of he tenth Month, alias, December ; who being ancient, and going two Miles naked, got a Surfeit of Cold, which continued with her until she died, being about seven Months after. The next Morning a small Party of English Soldiers fell upon that great Company of Raparees, and killed the said Lieutenant Richard Dunn, also his Brother-in-Law ---- Poor, and a great many more of them : So were they prevented from burning Mountmelick, as he and others had threatened to do.

Now, while I was with John Clibborn at the Moat, many of the Irish came daily to get what they could ; there came also Col. Bourk, with about three hundred Firelocks, as a Frontier, to intercept the English Soldiers : He was very loving to me, and promised, that when he got to Athlone, I should have my Li-

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berty, for that he believed I was an honest Man. So in a little Time he and his Party went thither ; and with his Assistance the Governor set me at Liberty, having set my two Sons at Liberty three or four Days before, who were gone to their Mother. So being at Liberty, I got to Stream's Town, which was the next English Garrison, though it was difficult and dangerous Travelling, because of the Raparees, there being now little but Killing and Destruction on both Sides. Here I met with my Son Samuel, who, notwithstanding he had left the Profession of Truth, and cast off his Education therein, yet was concerned for me in this great Trial : He came to that Place, being the utmost Frontier Garrison of the English, to use his best Endeavours for my Liberty.

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I came to York to their Quarterly-Meeting, which was a very great Meeting of Friends from divers Places, and had good Service there, for the Lord's Power and Presence were with us, to our great Comfort and Confirmation in his Work and Service. I met there with a Letter, that gave me an Account of my Wife being sick, and Sorrow seized me, as sensible of her Death ; so I hasted as much as the Service of Truth would allow, towards the Sea-side ; but had several Meetings in the Way, particularly at Durham, Sunderland, Raby, Barnard-Castle, Camsgill, Kendal, Swarthmore, Hawkshead, Pardfey-Gragg, and near Whitehaven.

As soon as I could get Passage, I took Shipping at Whitehaven, and landed at Dublin, but my Wife was dead some Time before I got over. She died five Miles from Dublin, at my Son-in-Law William Fayle's House, in the Presence of her Children, and was decently

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buried in Friends' Burying-place in Dublin, accompanied to her Grave by many Friends and others. After I landed, I went to my Son Fayle's and found him and his Wife lying sick, neither of them sensible, and as to Appearance hardly like to recover ; but staying some Time there, it pleased the Lord that they recovered. I was at several Meetings thereabout, and at Dublin, for many Friends lived there-away at that Time, who were forced from their Habitations in the Country.

Then I went to Mountmelick, and visited Friends in those Parts, that were not gone from their Habitations, and so to my ruinated Place near Rossenallis, where I made some Reparation of Building for myself, and youngest Son Tryal to dwell in, all the rest of my Children having left me, being most of them married ; so I was frequently with Friends at Meetings, both for the Worship of God, and Men and Women's Meetings for other Services relating to Church Discipline and Gospel Order.

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About this Time it came into my Mind to marry, yet I was not hasty to proceed ; but many weighty Things relating to that Affair came under my Consideration, and though it would often present in my Understanding, yet I sought the Lord's Counsel, and quietly waited to know his Mind therein, until I had his gracious Answer, (in the clear Openings of his Light shining in my Heart) then finding my Way clear I acquainted the Person towards whom my Mind was drawn in that Respect, viz. Mary, the Widow of Joshua Strangman, about the Are of forty nine Years, whom I had Ground to believe would be a comfort to me, and helpful in my Family, being a Woman of good Understanding, and one who feared the Lord.

After some Time of Consideration, she consented thereto, provided that our Children and Friends were satisfied therewith : I also acquainted her, That if the Lord gave me Health and Ability, I must first go for England, to perform some Service for the Lord there, which had

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been before me for some Time ; which she was well satisfied with, being willing to say the Lord's Time ; then I abode some Weeks at Home, being unwell, through Surfeit of Colds in my Travels ; but our Quarterly Meeting for Leinster Province being at Castledermot, where Elders and Friends in the Ministry used to meet, and to make Enquiry, Whether those of our Society walked answerable to their Holy Profession, in blameless Lives and Conversations, &c. In which Service the Lord's Power and divine Presence had often been plentifully manifested among us.

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Soon after was our Monthly Meeting at Mountmelick, where I and Mary Strangman presented our Intentions of Marriage to the Men and Women's Meetings, and in the Week following presented it again to the Province Meeting at Castledermot, where the Lord was with us. When the Service of that Meeting

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was over, which held part of three Days, I came to Mountmelick.

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Now Friends having had my Intentions of Marriage with Mary Strangman under their Consideration for some Time, in Men and Women's Meetings, and Enquiry being made, and all Things clear ; also public Notice given of the Time and Place, upon the first Day of the tenth Month, and fourth of the Week, 1697, before a public Assembly in our usual Meeting-House at Mountmelick, we took each other in Marriage : In which weighty Affair the Lord's heavenly Presence accompanied us, to our great Comfort and Confirmation ; and many in that Meeting being sensible thereof, were refreshed in their Spirits ; also several Testimonies born to the Lord's Goodness, which attended us in that Ordinance, everlasting Praise to his worthy Name for ever. Amen.

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About eight or ten Days after, I was drawn in Spirit to go again to Dublin, which accordingly I did, accompanied with my Son Tryal, and my Son-in-Law William Fayle, where I found Service for Truth's Testimony, that required my being there at that Time ; senbible honest-hearted Friends were glad of my Coming. I staid four Meetings in Dublin, and the Lord's Power in his Testimony was over opposite Spirits. One John Beck, who had professed Truth, and was gone from Friends for a Wife, together with his said Wife, both then appearing in our public Meeting for the Worship of God, in a bitter and envious Spirit, with railing Accusations Friends, were publicly detected, and their Folly manifested, and Friends were refreshed and comforted. So being clear, I returned homewards with my said two Sons, and some other Friends.

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Then we rode together about two Miles on my Way homewards, where we met with John

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Barcroft and Eleazar Sheldon coming to meet us, they having heard of our returning that Way ; so when we came to a Road that turned to Dublin, we took Leave of George Rooke, who went Home, and I, with the other Friends, rode to John Barcroft's, and lodged there that Night, and the next Day to my Son-in-Law Eleazar Sheldon's, and on the Day following came to my own House, the Lord having enabled me by his mighty Power, that was with us in this Service, to perform this Journey of about three hundred Miles in Old-Age, everlasting Praise to his great Name. Amen.


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York, the seventy of the sixth Month 1697.

This may let thee and the rest know, who desire to hear of my Welfare, that through the Mercies of the Lord I am well, and sensible of his renewing my Strength every Way, to perform his Service required of me, which I hope will be to his Praise and the Good of many when I am gone. My chief Care is, That I may do my Day's work in Time according to his Will, first in general, and secondly in particular, for my Children and Off-spring of my Family ; to be clear of all Men's Blood in the Day of Account, my Service is more than ordinary in several Things, and Strength and Ability given accordingly. The Lord is great, and greatly to be reverenced and feared, his Wisdom is infinite, and the Ways of his Judgments unsearchable. My Soul and Spirit in the Sense of his Wonders, in the Depths of Exercise, admires his infinite Goodness, and praises his holy Name.

As I wrote in my last to thee, My Children's Follies is as a Weapon in the Hand of evil Doers, against the Lord's Work in my Hands ; but the Lord who knows my Heart's Integrity and Innocency, he out-ballances all Opposition with

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his irresistible Power, and crowns his Testimony with Dominion over all Gain-sayers, blessed by his Name : Yet it is a Grief and some Trouble to be wounded with an Arrow that sprung from my own Loins, prepared through my Children's Folly for want of the Fear of God, and Reverence to such a Father, whom the Lord hath Endued with many Favours. It ought to seize all your Hearts and break them in a deep Sense of bitter Sorrow, and be a Warning to all of you, that are innocent, to be watchful over your own Ways in godly Fear, that you fall not into the like Temptations, which dishonour God, and are a Blot and Stain to their Name and Fame, who fall into them, not easily to be done away out of the Memory of God and Men. A good Name deservedly lost, is hard to regain : Therefore thou my Son, with the rest that are innocent, fear the Lord, love his Truth, take Advice of approved Elders, which may be for your Preservation in Credit with God and good Men, and Experience shews, that they who honour the Lord, he doth honour them. I was at Liverpool and Chester, thinking to come over with George Rooke, but was not clear of the Service which I am upon, and must not leave it till performed. I received thy Letter there, with that by Order of the Monthly-Meeting, both kindly accepted : And I earnestly desire, Thou wilt be careful on the Part in the Fear and Wisdom of God, to perform what thou hast written, that I may have Comfort of

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thee :For Nothing in the World is so pleasant to me, ad my Children doing well, waling in the blessed Truth. I have had many large and full Meetings since George Rooke left me, as in Cheshire, Lancashire and thus far in Yorkshire ; many Friends came far to Meetings, and the Lord's Power answered their Expectation, and many honest Hearts are thankful and glad of this Labour of Love. I came this Day to this City, and intend to stay their Meeting To-morrow, being first Day, and then as the Lord enables, to go towards Burlington, Scarborough and Whitby ; and when clear there, through Bishoprick and Westmoreland into Cumberland, and if the Lord lengthen my Time, then to see you again. I know not yet whether to Ship at Liverpool, or go by Land to Port-Patrick in Scotland. I hope in the Lord's Strength to be in Cumberland in three Weeks from this Date. Remember my dear and true Love to Elders and honest Friends of our Monthly-Meeting, as if I named them one by one, and I charge thee to give them a true Copy of this, and let them read it in the Men's Meeting, and it shall be a Witness for me, if I should not see your Faces again.

And now my Son, my Prayers are for thee, and my Care is for thy Well-doing, that thy Behaviour in all Things may give thee Credit, and me Comfort. Shew thyself a Man in all Concerns, and act in all Things as in the Sight of God, who orders all Things for the best,

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for them that fear him, and cast themselves upon his ordering providential Power, that rules all Things. 'Tis safe to keep there out of all Self-Will and Haste.


Note about Mary Hinde: Mary Hinde was a London publisher of Quaker books, one of a series of printers used and favoured by the Society of Friends. She was born in 1720 to Michael and Emma Phillips of Royston, Hertfordshire, and in 1757 married Luke Hinde (1710-1766), a widowed owner of a printing business at George Yard, Lombard Street, London. They had one son who died in childhood. When Luke Hinde died, Mary Hinde continued the business until 1775, when it was taken over by James Phillips.

Source: Message from librarian at Friends Library, London on 28 Nov 2002.

To Ann Edmundson's Ancestors   &   Ann Edmundson's Letter

This file was last updated on 7/14/2004.

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