Ahnentafel Chart for Thomas Robins

First Generation

1. Thomas Robins was born on 11 Apr 1704 in Southwark, Surrey, England.

Second Generation

2. John Robins. John married Jane Cross on 16 Dec 1702 in Southwark, Surrey, England.

3. Jane Cross was born in 1674 in Oxfordshire, England.

Third Generation

4. John Robins died before 16 Dec 1702.

6. John Cross. John married Jane Stuchbury on 31 Oct 1672 in Fringford, Oxfordshire, England.

7. Jane Stuchbury died in 1684 in Oxfordshire, England. She was buried on 1 Jan 1684/1685 in Fringford, Oxfordshire, England.

Fourth Generation

14. Giles Stuchbury died in Mar 1671 in Fringford, Oxfordshire, England. He was buried on 31 Mar 1671 in Fringford, Oxfordshire, England. He married Amy ----.

15. Amy ---- was born about 1612. She died on 3 Mar 1674 in Saviours Parish, Southwark, Surrey, England.

Fifth Generation

28. James Stuchbury. James married Katherine ----.

29. Katherine ---- .

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This file was last updated on 7/20/2004.

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