Clement's Sketches of the First Emigrant Settlers

The following is an excerpt from Sketches of the First Emigrant Settlers, Newton Township, Old Gloucester County, West New Jersey by John Clement, of Haddonfield, N. J. (Camden: Sinnickson Chew, 1877). It describes the relationship of the Hopkins family of Haddonfield to Elizabeth Haddon Estaugh.

Elizabeth Estaugh


The farm, of which about one hundred acres were arable
land, was under her own care, and received her personal
attention. Having no children of her own, she adopted Eben-
ezer Hopkins, a son of her sister Sarah,* who came to this
country, was educated by, and resided with, his aunt at New
Haddonfield, and who, in 1737, married Sarah, a daughter of
James Lord, of Woodbury creek, and died intestate in 1757.26

In 1752, his aunt conveyed to him a tract of land fronting
on Cooper's creek, in Haddon township, generally known
as the "Ann Burr farm," which adjoined other lands owned
by him at that date, and derived from the same source.27 On
this estate he probably resided, and, in addition to his agri-
cultural pursuits, turned his attention to the surveying, the
laying out and the conveying of land.

26 Lib. No 9, 38.
27 Lib S, No 6, 124, O. S. G.


His wife survived him, and the following named children:
John E., who married Sarah, a daughter of William Mickle;
Haddon, who married Hannah, a daughter of Joshua Stokes;
Ebenezer, who married Ann, a daughter of William Albertson;
Elizabeth E., who married John Mickle; Sarah, who married
Caleb Cresson; Mary, who married Joshua Cresson, and Ann,
who married Marmaduke Burr. From these came the Hopkins
family that is now spread through many parts of the United
States; one branch of which still remains in the neighborhood
of the first settlement, owning, however, but little of the
original estate.

After the death of her husband, Sarah Hopkins removed to
Haddonfield, and occupied a house and lot, purchased in
1752 by Elizabeth Estaugh of the estate of Samuel Mickle,
Deceased.28 The house stood on the westerly side of the Main
street, on the site of the present residence of Sarah Hopkins,
the widow of a lineal descendant of Ebenezer and Sarah.+ It
was removed some years since, and now stands on the north
side of Ellis street, owned and occupied by Mary Allen. It
is a small, hipped-roofed building, and, although somewhat
altered, yet retains much of its antiquated appearance.

No other building is now left that can be associated with
Elizabeth Estaugh. Here, doubtless, she made daily visits to
the widow and her children, looking closely after the comfort
of the one, and the moral training and education of the others.
It is evident that she took much interest in them, since in these
orphans she saw the perpetuity of her large landed estate in her
own blood, and the tone of her will indicates a long settled
intention in this regard.

In this house resided her only collateral descendants, and
those who were to her the continuation of her family in

28 Lib. Q, 480.

Transcriber's Notes:
* Sarah Haddon married Benjamin Hopkins, son of William and Kathryn Hopkins of Southwark.
+ This was probably Sarah Clement Hopkins, widow of Griffith Morgan Hopkins and daughter of the author. She died in 1885.

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This file was last updated on 7/14/2019.

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